Looking out of the window this morning, I am greeted by this gray-on-gray scenery. Usually, it would be a cause for depression, but not this morning! Not so long ago, Stockholm was under the curse of sweltering heat, with temperatures approaching 35°(Celsius). Worse still, humidity was at the extreme, with all types of exercise a challenge for us old-timers.
Fortunately, this demanding trial seems to have passed, and cooler tides are beckoning. Low pressure zones are queueing on the North Atlantic, eager to invade Scandinavia, one after another. But this is still Summer! Even if the mornings may start with black clouds, the days are pleasantly warm, letting the sun break through the clouds intermittently, to keep us in good mood and shape. We are not yet in November, when there may be weeks without the sun. Best to enjoy the warming rays whilst they are with us!
Skåne in Skanör is still a summer dream with seawater temperature of 20 degrees.
Herzliche Grüße Heinz
Emil, summer has not ended yet. The best time is in August with warm nights and "crayfish". Werner S.
Hallo Emil
Anscheinend habt Ihr in Schweden den heißen Sommer, den wir im Vorjahr hatten.
Dafür ist es heuer sehr kühl und naß und kommt seit
Wochen eine Kalfront nach der anderen, heute früh
hatte es nur 9 Grad.
Liebe Grüße
Hi Emil,
anscheinend gibt´s den richtigen Sommer heuer im Norden und nicht bei uns, die drückende Hitze ist natürlich auch nicht angenehm, speziell die Waldbrände, die in den Medien gemeldet wurden, müssen für Schweden ja ganz ungewöhnlich sein!
Liebe Grüße, Wilfried
Tack Emil för Dina grå bilder av ett av Sveriges numera mest fotograferade motiv. Men färgtoner och vinklar verkar outsinliga. Kvalitén är som vanligt lika hög som räntan är låg. Hur ska det månne sluta?
Yes, indeed, Wilfried, the forest fires last week were quite unusual. In fact, those were the worst in known history. The forest was so dry that the fire spred even along the tree tops, jumping over fire lanes and even lakes and devastating a large area in middle Sweden. The authorities were quite unprepared for a fire that immense and the equipment, such as helicopters, proved far too limited. They even had to call in firefighting planes from France and Italy to help them out. One of the days last week I could smell a distinct smell of burning outside my apartment, almost 300 kilometers away from the fires. Imagine!
A nice place for living, thanks to a superb view, which reminds me of my own here in Stockholm, further down the channel.
No matter what weather, you always catch the right atmosphere. Appreciate your blog from your kitchen window.
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