It is the first week of November now, and the world appears to be completely held hostage by the drama evolving in various US States. Will they ever again get a democratically elected President over there? Here in the calm North, events evolve with considerably more serenity. Granted, the plague has taken off again, but even this abomination seems to respect the peculiar Swedish way to procrastinate.
Even if hospitalisation is doubling by the week, and deaths are increasing, they do this from very low numbers. This allows the authorities to issue their usual mumblings, including noncommittal advices to us commoners. We oldtimers, on our part, have learnt our lesson and take care not to get too close to the youngsters, who continue with their life as usual.
For us seniors, this prolonged state of self-imposed isolation, which certainly will last well into next spring, is not without its consequences for the psyche. Routine tends to evolve into dread, and dread into depression, if contacts with our fellow humans are being kept at minimum.
Fortunately, there is video-conferencing, which allows us to keep in contact with whomever we wish to share our solitude at the moment. There is an intriguing programme, called Zoom, which has bewildered many an old-timer, but, once reasonably mastered, gives us access again to all our family and friends. Many a birthday song has been sung on Zoom these days, and many a friendly congregation held, wine glass raised, in virtual conviviality.
Despite these virtual activities, social isolation reigns supreme. How deeply does it affect me? I am a bit surprised over my resilience in that regard. But, being a solitaire by nature, the difference to ordinary life is not that large for me. Still, I am missing the daily roundtrips to cafë and restaurant, with their opportunities for short but still well-needed social contacts. So what has come to the rescue in this time of need?
Surprisingly enough, it is a resurge in photographic activity. Surprisingly, since I have thought for some years now that my ability in that regard had faded away, that I had outlived my creative years. But, the mind works in mysterious ways. If laid shallow, through social inactivity, other parts of the brain take charge and force you to adapt.
Come to think of it, renewed photographic vigour should not have come as a surprise to me. Looking back the past fifty years, I have always been active in this art only with short outbursts, interspersed with long years of inactivity. Had I not written about this insight already in my book "Brussels/Stockholm..."? Well, yes, as the citation below bears witness to:
"... one notices that my photographic life has not been marked by continuous activity. Instead, short-term periods of hectic picture taking in great creative bursts have been lodged within long years of inactivity. These short active periods have been linked to times either of great stress, illness or change. This may have reinforced the inclination to produce serene calm in my pictures, as a way to find solace in a hobby removed from the ordinary way of life. The photographic activity in itself may have helped me resolve difficult circumstances in my life, sparing me from seeking help and solace from outsiders."
There you have it! The brain forces through photographic creativity as a way to coping with a time of troubles like the present one. Encouraged by this renewed insight, and asked by a Chinese friend to document Stockholm Autumn for her, I went forth with my camera last week, on a day as made for catching the coloured scenery of autumn.
I did not have to search far for motives. On that very day, "the light was right", as we fellow photographers use to say, and I just ambled along my usual morning trail, pointing the camera hither and thither, never failing to catch a serene scenery.
Since then, already almost half of it is gone! Three new schools and several daycare centres have been built on its fringe and a substantial piece of it cut down and converted into play grounds, with just the odd old crooked witnessing about the site's former glory.
The other half is still standing, "Thank God!", but is now being heavily "attacked" by some serious asphalted hike and cycle paths. I fear the worst for the grove's future, being loved to death as it is, by myriads of small trampling shoes, carrying horde after hord of small children through nature. It will do the children a lot of good to sample creation at its best, but it forebodes the demise of a truly natural habitat. A sign of the times in our age of overpopulation and demise of species!
Back out from the grove, the camera kept clicking away! Almost back home again, another angle at coloured bounty waited to be covered! What a piece of luck that I had my camera with me that day!
After all this largesse of colours, I cannot find a better way to finish the blog than to present you with a tune as accoutrement. Let the super smooth voice of the crooner render the rest of the day yet more palatable!
Lieber Emil,
Vielen Dank für die wunderschönen Bilder und Deine philosophischen Kommentare. Als jemand in der gleichen Altersgruppe kann ich sie nicht nur sehen und lesen sondern auch fühlen.
Es freut mich, dass es Dir - trotz Corona - offenbar sehr gut geht. - Mit Verlaub, mir auch.
Herzliche Grüsse
Lieber Emil
Wunderschön- ein intensives und grossartiges Farbenparadies am Rande einer Grossstadt - wer hätte das erwartet. Das sind wundervolle Bilder, meisterhaft fotografiert, die uns die Augen öffnen für die farbenfrohen und schönen Seiten im sonst so grauen und kühlen Herbst Alltag.
Danke dafür,
Beautiful pictures, Emil.
Hope you are doing well.
We are enjoying our splendid self-imposed isolation at home, but it will be nice to be able to return to Stockholm, Vienna, New York, Rome, and a few other places that we had to strike from our 2020 travel schedule.
All best,
What a most delightful and mellow way to greet this chilly
November morning.
Another very classy and colorful Emil Ems production.
I am even now sitting at my window enjoying the scarlet leaves of my plum tree illuminated by that special clear light that is a boon to photographers and a nemesis to tennis players!
The song captures so well the bittersweetness of this time- of year and of mankind.
Tak sa mika, Emil
Hej Emil!
Fina bilder! Här i Frankrike har Coronan tagit ny fart. Det är en nästan lika kraftig ökning som i våras. Vi hoppas att den nya nedstängningen kan få ner spridningen och hålla nere antalet döda som nedstängningen gjorde i våras. Oroar oss för Sverige.
Sköt om dig
Dear Emil,
Greetings. Great Blog. Beautiful images.
Our best, Joshua & e
Emil tolle Fotos.
Da sieht man erst was Bäume ausmachen. Leider kaum beachtet von vielen.
Vielleicht verstehst du nun mein Interesse an Bäumen. Bin seit 53 Jahren Mitglied in der Förenigen för Dendrologi och Parkvård
Hälsningar Werner
Tack för vackra höstbilder och fin musik.
Jag håller med om att livet känns upp-o-nervänt ut, men vi får hålla i och hålla ut helt enkelt!
Kram från ”Lendas-Ylva”
Underbart Emil - kanonfina bilder och stringent beskrivande text
Lieber Emil,
danke für die tollen Herbst-Impressionen. Bitte versprich mir, mindestens den Park mit den Wasserwegen bei meinem nächsten Besuch zu zeigen.
Liebe Grüße, Ludwig
Tack för vackra och stämningsfulla bilder och för dina tankar.
danke für den Transfer des Herbstes in mein Computer-Zimmer. Ich kann gut Deine herbstlichen Reflexionen verstehen. Dein schwedisches Umfeld ist auch weniger restriktiv als das österreichische und hier schielt man laut Pressemeldungen nach wie vor stark in Richtung Schweden. Bei Euch in Schweden geht immerhin auch die Krone wieder aufwärts.
Herzliche Grüße Heinz
Dear Emil,
So pleased you took your camera with you that day and can now share these glorious images with us!
Take care, Heather
Dear Emil,
Thank you for sharing this joy with us. Your photography revels in the isolation here. However, you did share great moments of neighborly connection with us in Berkeley. What did the ducks have to say on the subject?
I think that we have to keep experiencing nature as much as we can because we have to keep our vibration high and share that with others. It should get us through the dark times. Do you think that Trump will ever admit that he lost?
I spotted two families of deer yesterday at China Camp and also a striking manzanita. We celebrated Chris’s birthday. It was her 75th. Mostly we celebrated being together again. We were mostly quiet about the election results - except when Lissa went to the bathroom. Hooray!
Hej Emil!
Hoppas du mår bra. Vi mår bra, tänder ljus och kurar in oss i mörkret. Gunnar och jag vill tacka för alla fina bilder och genomarbetad text. Vi är dåliga på att ge respons, men ta här emot vår uppskattning för det du skickar.
Trevlig fortsättning på helgen!
Varma hälsningar från oss båda
Gunnar och Äva
What beautiful images. Thank you Emil!
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